Cornhusk, Silk, and Wishbones : A Book of Dolls From Around the World

By Michelle Markell.

Cornhusk, Silk, and Wishbones : A Book of Dolls From Around the World


They are fashioned out of materials as varied as themselves — wishbones, apples, clay, bread, ivory, palm leaves, and sealskin. They come from the tropics and the tundra, the desert and the mountains, from times of war and times of peace. What they wear tells us of their homes. Their faces are calm, fierce, beautiful, wistful, ugly, inscrutable. Dolls have been cherished throughout time by children all around the world — children who have carried them, dressed them, and whispered secrets to them. With haunting photographs and a text that speaks poignantly of the time when children must leav...


0618054871, 9780618054879


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